Now is a good time to see if your business is in good financial health

After periods of uncertainty your business, like many, may benefit from a root and branch review of the financial systems in place to ensure you are meeting regulatory requirements, that your aspirations for the company aren't being stymied and with the recent stop-start to business activities we've all experienced, that financial problems haven't been masked.
Evaluating the suitability of your accounting polices for your organisational structure and for the nature of your business as it stands now, is not only crucial for consolidating the current levels of good financial health of your company, but also for reinforcing this with systems to bolster that health for future success.
These reviews are also essential early-on in accountant-client relationships, as a true partnership evolves.
If a business is overburdened by its financial systems and is inconsistent in its approach to financial matters, this can lead to inefficiencies and in worst case scenarios business failure.Yet, with a system embedded into your business that, for example, helps to allocate resource to their most productive use, you can be reassured that the effectiveness and economy of the company will improve.
With an assessment of your accounting systems and your reporting procedures we can highlight the gaps that might hinder efficiencies and benchmark all against key financial stability indicators and KPIs, investigating any areas for concern that might have a detrimental effect on your business growth. We'll ensure that your financial statements comply with the chosen financial reporting framework, that they give a true and fair view and that management is aware of its responsibilities for producing the accounts.
Where there is an objective point of view and an expert eye these reviews can bring balance, efficiencies and financial stability, as well as instilling a greater sense of prudence into your planning, without inhibiting your operations or natural entrepreneurial zeal. In fact quite the opposite.
With secure financial systems in place, aided by expert financial support, accuracy is improved, reaction to market circumstances is quicker, gaps and delays are reduced or eliminated and issues that arise can be dealt with at a pace. And when you can see a path forward that you and your accountant have established, you will be encouraged and comfortable that your business can operate and move forward with confidence.
Effectiveness is doing the right things, while efficiency is doing things right. And GSM has been doing both since 1918. To ensure your business similarly sustains its financial health to stand the test of time, contact GSM today on 020 7935 3793.