There is incredible resilience and resolve among our clients in still planning for growth. How are you doing?

As volatile as market conditions may be, companies still want to consider their options for business growth. They want those options to be outlined and explained to them in a straightforward manner so they can make sound decisions. Perhaps now, more than ever. And yet when clients switch to GSM, we quickly learn that the financial analysis and planning skills of their previous accountant has often been an under-used resource.
The importance of considering alternative perspectives before making major business decisions or even seemingly minor decisions cannot be underestimated. An accountant can help way beyond tax planning and maintaining the books.
The focus for today's accountant is to help businesses grow, not just to comply.
To understand better whether changing even one thing could make a big and positive difference to your bottom line, can make or break your business. And at the root of such positive changes are the accuracy of your monitoring and forecasts. With an idea of your expenses and income over time, you can get a better sense of the market conditions you need for profitable growth.
Additionally, expertise in your sector will often mean your accountant is the person outside of your team with knowledge and lived experience of your business challenges. They'll be in a position to identify the Key Performance Indicators that will really matter to you. Importantly, they can apply this knowledge to set-up reporting to compare your numbers, indicating whether you are performing better or worse.
So with reports that can be easily read and digested, GSM clients can gain a clear picture of their business performance and identify growth opportunities, as they plan for the future.
Of course planning for the future can never be foolproof, but to be future-proofed as best a business can be, is where your accountant's forecasting skills can be brought to the fore. We'll look at past financial trends, economic conditions, changes that may happen in the market, business imperatives and expectations, to arrive at possible future financial scenarios. The right accountant will not only report on these but interpret them in ways that will help you best structure your business, analyse expenses, improve cash flow management, control costs and optimise pricing, to give you the insights so you can budget effectively and facilitate better, more reliable decision making.
So, in a time of rising costs and economic instability, it's important to have a credible and stable partner to help you achieve flexibility and efficiency in managing your business' finances. One where financial performance is tracked so the business can be more competitive, fiscally strong and give a clear picture of where you can switch emphasis to increase profitability and follow a path to greater growth.
In short, a commercially-minded and business-aware accountant like GSM can be a great asset to the growth of your company, resolve to contact us today on 020 7935 3793 to hear more of how resilient your business can be moving forward.