It helps to have a belt & braces approach when planning ahead


Whether you are a charity or a commercial entity you are inevitably under increasing pressure to do more with less and nevertheless succeed in these more constrained times.

Yet, at GSM we steer organisations towards such constraints, not away from them. In this way, there are no surprises, no delaying of the inevitable until it’s right upon you. Instead sensible, prudent, planning helps you to make the most of the assets you have. We ascertain how they should be recorded, the tax regime you should fall under, empowering you to stand strong when there are unpredictable market conditions, to balance risk with reward and how to retain the cashflow that can drive you forward.

With a close eye on due diligence as well as tax and audit considerations, we can work with you to help your wider team understand the full implications of your activities, to accept your resources for what they are and challenge them to help you all do better with what you have, as you strive to build competitive advantage and grow.

Ultimately, we have a deep interest in what you do, in your success, working with your values, cementing these through quality assured accounting and adding value.

It is with this in mind we have produced a series of pocket-sized guides for your journey, covering topical issues of the day from Better Business Reporting to Tax Efficiency, all economically housed in a rather neat box!

You can pick-up our ‘Little Box of Accountancy Best Practice’ by arranging a no-obligation meeting now.

To be doubly sure of your future, you may not need belt and braces, but GSM’s robust, hand in hand, partner-led accountancy services may just help you remain resilient whatever the future holds. Call us today on 020 7935 3793.